Latest Version of FR-Configurator
- FR-Configurator package includes full version of:
- FR-Configurator2 1.11M only english/japanese
- FR-Configurator2 1.07H Multilanguage EN/DE/RU
- FR-Configurator2 1.03D Multilanguage EN/DE/RU/PL/IT/TR
- FR-Configurator 5.11 for 700 Series EN,DE,FR,PL,RU
- FRC2 1.11 English/Japanese SW with manuals and EPlan files. No other languages.
- Four new models are added:
- A846
- A700
- F700
- E700
- Ethernet type E700NE.
- Convert function was updated to convert directly from A500 (L) to A800.
- Diagnostic function is updated.
- Added translations to Polish and Russian
Software Download
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