Melsec iQ-F – High-speed counter inputs – Configuration settings


A short discussion on the Configuration settings of a Melsec iQ-F PLC – High-Speed Counter Inputs – Using GX Works3. 

The High-Speed IO can be configured with the following settings via GX Works3;

The Input response times for the digital discrete input IO – can be set as follows:

Upon the completion of the PLC onfiguration – basic PLC programming is to be put in place to enable and utilize the high-speed counting feature of the PLC. Herewith, a PLC Program Sample;    

The GX Works3 watch window feature can be used to monitor the integer increment\decrement value as a test;

A short-write – describing these functions and features can be found here: Mitsubishi iQ-F FX5U PLC – Built-in High-Speed Counter Functionality