This Manual specifies a setup example between a Mitsubishi Q-Series PLC and a Remote CC-Link IO.
At the end of this manual, you will be able to send and receive messages between a Mitsubishi Q-Series PLC and a Remote CC-Link IO.

Equipment Used
- GX Works 2
- Version information – 1.058E
- Mitsubishi PLC
- Universal model QCPU module – Q03UDECPU
- Main base unit – Q38B
- Power supply module – Q63P
- DC input module – QX80
- Transistor output module – QY80
- CC-Link system master/local module – QJ61BT11N
- Remote IO
- CC-Link System Remote Composite Module – AJ65BTB2-16DR
- Reference Manuals – MELSEC-Q CC-Link System Master/Local Module User’s Manual (SH(NA)-080394E-N)

Step 2: Select:
Series – QCPU (Q Mode)
Type – Q03UDE
Project Type – Structured Project
Language – Structured Ladder/FBD

Step 3: “Navigation window” -> [Parameter]

Step 4: Select “I/O Assignment” Tab

Step 5: Add the following and click on the “Check” button:

Step 6: Wait for “There is no error” Message Box. If this does not appear start again at Step 4:

Step 7: “Navigation window” -> [Parameter] -> [Network Parameter] -> [CC-Link]:

Step 8: Add the Following and Click on the “Station Information” – Button:

Step 9: Add the Following and Click on the “Check” – Button:

Step 10: Wait for “There is no error” Message Box, click on “End” Button after the message. If this does not appear start again at Step 9:

Step 11: Click on the “Check” – Button. Wait for “There is no error” Message Box, click on “End” Button after the message. If this does not appear start again at Step 8:

Step 2: Setup as below and then select “Connection Test”, make sure you have a USB cable connected from your PC, to the programming port of the PLC:

Step 3: Wait for the “Successfully connected with the Q03UDECPU” message, click on “OK” Button

Step 4: [Online] -> [Write to PLC]:

Step 5: Select All and Click on “Execute”

Step 6: Click on “Yes” and wait for the program to Download. Once downloaded, reset the PLC.

Check that the “Err” LED is OFF (Red) and the “Run” LED is ON (Green) on the Q03UDEPLC.
Check that the “Err” LED is OFF (Red) and the “SD” LED is ON (Green) on the QJ61BT11N-Card.
Check that the “L.Err” LED is OFF (Red) and the “SD” and “RD” LED is ON (Red) on the Remote AJ65BTB2-16DR.
This means that the communications between the PLC and CC-Link card is working. Now you may test the program.