by Regardt Voigt | Sep 23, 2022 | Communication, FR-E8xx, VSD
FR-E800-SCE The FR-E800-SCE is a safety VSD therefore it does not have STR and STF terminals. Control can only be performed from the NET mode which is network communication from a PLC (Recommended: Modbus TCP or CC-link IE Field Basic).EXT control can also be...
by Regardt Voigt | Apr 12, 2021 | Communication, FR-Configurator2, GOT HMI, GOT SImple, GOT2000, GT Designer 3, GT Works 3, MC Protocol
Introduction A guideline for the interconnection of a FREQROL 800 VFD with a GOT SImple GOT2000 HMI The Strategy In connection to the information required for the interconnection of: Mitsubishi – FR-E800 VSD to GS2107 via Ethernet The following will...
by Regardt Voigt | Apr 11, 2021 | Ethernet, FR-A8xx, FR-E8xx, FR-F8xx, GOT HMI, GOT SImple, GOT2000, GT2000, MC Protocol, Melsec Connect, VSD
Introduction A short discussion on the ethernet-based interconnection between the FR-E800 and GOT2000 HMI. In connection to the FR-E800-E to GS2107 – Ethernet-based communication; There are some predefined projects in GT Designer 3. Each one of these projects comes...