by Samantha Brink | Mar 26, 2019 | GX Works 2, Software
Latest Version of GX Works 2 Enhancements from GX Works2 1.577 to version 1.580: The following problem found in ‘Transfer Setup’ has been solved: When ‘GOT’ was selected for PLC side I/F after once selecting ‘RCPU’, the icon of...
by Regardt Voigt | Mar 21, 2018 | FX3U, FX5, GX Developer, GX IEC, GX Works 2, GX Works 3, PLC
Introduction It is sometimes a requirement to run a PLC program for testing without affecting the actual real outputs. There we discribe how this can be carried out on FX PLCs. Design Considerations To be able to run a PLC program in a test mode such that the program...
by Regardt Voigt | Mar 20, 2018 | FX3U, FX5, GX Works 2, GX Works 3, PLC
Introduction FX PLCs do not have a simple switch for clearing/resetting latched memory. While this may not be a problem, it does need to be taken into consideration when creating PLC programs because, unlike modular PLCs such as the Q-Series, FX PLCs have default...
by Regardt Voigt | Mar 6, 2018 | FX3U, GX Developer, PLC
Introduction All PLC I/O and devices can be commented in GX Developer and down loaded to the PLC however there are a maximum number of characters. When programming an FX PLC with GX Developer it is possible to comment all I/O and devices. These comments can be stored...
by Regardt Voigt | Mar 1, 2018 | FX3U, FX5, PLC
Introduction As a general principle, it is always possible to upgrade an application running in an old FX PLC to a newer FX PLC. However there are sometimes slight differences that must be taken into account. This document will point out the things that need to be...