by Regardt Voigt | Sep 16, 2019 | FX3U, FX3U-4DA
FX3U-4DA – Analog Card Range not corresponding So how does the FX3U-4DA accommodate Analog Output Signals? The following applies; So how does the FX3U-4DA accommodate Analog Output Signals? The following applies; The FX3u-4DA is indeed an analogue output card –...
by Regardt Voigt | Mar 21, 2018 | FX3U, PLC
Introduction The FX3U PLC supports up to 2 left-hand side high speed Input modules of the FX3U-4HSX-ADP type. When adding these modules there are some rules and limitations. Design Considerations The FX3U-4HSX-ADP uses the same first few inputs as the main FX3U PLC,...
by Regardt Voigt | Mar 17, 2018 | FX3U, PLC
Introduction The FX3U PLC can be fitted with a mini USB connection option that is typically used for PLC programming access. It is not so well known that this connection can also be used for general communications with MX Sheet. Design Constraints If the FX3U-USB-BD...
by Regardt Voigt | Feb 28, 2018 | FX3U, PLC
Introduction Many customers want to save comments (I/O Tag names) to an FX PLC but don’t know how to do it and what the implications are. This post aims to explain this issue. Design Considerations To be able to save comments (I/O Tag names) in the PLC such that they...
by Regardt Voigt | Feb 27, 2018 | FX3U, GT Works 3, GX Developer, GX IEC, GX Works 2, PLC
Introduction The FX3G and FX3U PLCs provide the facility to add ADP modules to the left-hand side of the PLC such as the FX3U-4AD-ADP (4 channel analogue input module). The data for these modules is automatically placed into specific data registers in the D8000 range....