by Regardt Voigt | Feb 1, 2021 | MR Configurator, MR-J2s, MR-J4-T20, MR-J4s, SC-J2SBJ4KT3K, Servo Systems, Servos
Introduction Here we will provide the only options available for the replacement of an MR-J2s Melservo amplifier. Melservo MR-J2s amplifier is discontinued The following is a breakdown of the System applicable; The MR-J2S is antiquated. It is not supplied, supported,...
by Regardt Voigt | Apr 8, 2020 | GX Works 2, Melsec-Q, PLC, Qseries, QSeries
Introduction This is a short-write up on the Melsec-Q series PLC CPU, depicting differences, specifications, discontinuation and replacements, and model identification. Basic Model QCPU Herewith the Basic Model Performance Specifications: High Performance Model QCPU...
by Regardt Voigt | Mar 31, 2020 | F940GOT-LWD-E, GOT HMI, GOT SImple, GOT-F900, GOT2000, GT Works 3, GT2000
Introduction As mentioned earlier, the GOT-F900 series is long since being discontinued. It is not being manufactured anymore, nor sold. No parts are available, and technical support on this product has seized. The next logical step would be to upgrademigrate the...
by Regardt Voigt | Mar 5, 2020 | Convert PLC Applications, ENET, Extensions, FX2N, FX3U, FX3U-4DA, FX5, FX5-4DA, GT Works 3, GX Developer, GX IEC, GX Works 2, GX Works 3, High Speed I/O, iQR-Series, Melsec iQ-R, Melsec-Q, PLC, QSeries, Qseries, Software
Introduction A squick set of pointers and hints for the Upgrade Migration from a compact Melsec PLC to a different Melsec PLC Options. Traditionally – the following migration paths are automatically accomodated (For the most part); Melsec-FX is being...
by Regardt Voigt | Mar 4, 2020 | MR Configurator, MR-J2s, MR-J4s, Servo Motors, Servo Systems, Servos, Uncategorized
Introduction As is known by now, the MR-J2s and MR-J3 Meleservo series are being phased out very quickly and being replaced with MR-J4 (and MR-J5) Melservo series For this purpose – migration renewal tools are available. (More detail on another post). Provision...