DATATYPES In the digital world, logic is the dictating force in order for performance to exist. The language at which data is being put in transit is being done so via the values being stored into the relevant datatypes. In general, the following datatypes are...

Motion Controller (Melsec-A) – A172SHCPUN OS Software Packages – SW0SRX-SV22C and SW3RN-SV22C

Introduction The Melsec-A series PLC series is long since being discontinued, from manufacturing, supply and support perspective. Nonetheless, there are still some Melsec-A series PLCs in the processes and systems. This particular article is addressing the Motion...

Mitsubishi FA – Network Cables (FAQ)

Introduction Network cable for Mitsubishi FA equipment is an important aspect to undersand for new users – in order to facility normal connection functions. This section is a short description in a FAQ style.of some basic (modern) communication connections and...

Melsec FX PLC Upgrade Migration – From Compact to Modular

Introduction A squick set of pointers and hints for the Upgrade Migration from a compact Melsec PLC to a different Melsec PLC Options. Traditionally – the following migration paths are automatically accomodated (For the most part);      Melsec-FX is being...

MELSEC STlite RIO Series

Remote I/O – MELSEC STlite MELSEC STlite – Optimized for real-life requirements Approved for a very wide range of applications, the STlite series features excellent module granularity and fieldbus-agnostic design, making it ideally suited for the requirements of...