SD-N150 contactor inrush current

Introduction This is a short description of the SD-N150 contactor and the inrush current thereof.  Auxiliary contact block specs The following table indicates the rated continuous current rating of the various contactors;                ...

GT Works3 demo trial version download

Introduction GT Works3 is used as an engineering software for GOT1000, GOT2000, and GOT Simple HMI devices. In addition, there is a demo trial version of this software available for download.  Herewith, a guideline on how to download GT Works 3 engineering software. ...

CC-Link IE Field Basic compatible CPUs

Introduction Just a short breakdown of the different Melsec CPUs which support CC-Link IE Field Basic Communication protocol. CC-Link IE Field Basic CC-Link IE Field Basic is not the same as a CC-Link IE FIeld communication protocol. Whilst, CC-Link IE Field Basic is...

FREQROL Inverter 800 series for CC-Link IE Field Network Basic connection for -CC-Link IE Field Basic connection (Method 2) (Supplementary Information)

Introduction This article is intended to provide some supplementary support information on the interconnection process between an FR-E800 series inverter and Melsec-iQ-F PLC – using CC-Link IE Field Basic network communication. GX Works3 – The Function...