by Regardt Voigt | Dec 28, 2020 | FR Configurator, FR-Configurator2, FR-CS8xx, FREQROL, VSD
Introduction Herewith a short summary of the PU Operating Panel Parameterization process of the FR-CS80 inverter drive. As mentioned before, there are two main methods for the parameterization of the FREQROL inverter., the one way being the FR-Configurator2 software....
by Regardt Voigt | Mar 31, 2020 | Communication, FR Configurator, FR-A7xx, FR-A8xx, FR-BR, FR-BU2, FR-Configurator2, FR-CS8xx, FR-D7xx, FR-E7xx, FR-F7xx, FR-F8xx, Software, VSD
Introduction In this article we will provide the resources for the download of the FREQROL Inverter interface software. FREQROL inverters can be connected to an engineering software called FR-Configurator 2, for programming, parameterization, troubleshooting and...
by Regardt Voigt | Dec 14, 2017 | FX5, GOT HMI, GT Designer 3, GT Works 3, GT2000, GX Works 2, Software
Communication setup between hardware devices in the automation and information world has become a fundamental requirement for interfacing and data transition processes. In this case we will have a brief look at Data communication between the FX5U (iQ-F) PLC and the...