Sample projects (sample design data) for the GOT2000 series are supplied with GT Works3 (GOT2000) Version 1.100E or later.
The sample projects are stored in the following folder on the personal computer when GT Designer3 (GOT2000) is installed.
1. 32-bit Windows
C:\Program Files\MELSOFT\GTD3_2000\App_x000D_\SampleProject
2. 64-bit Windows
C:\Program Files(x86)\MELSOFT\GTD3_2000\App_x000D_\SampleProject
You can download new sample projects from the download section for the human-machine interfaces (HMIs) GOT on the Mitsubishi Electric FA Global Website.
GT27**-V and GT2104-R are assumed as the GOT types for the sample projects.
To use the sample projects for other models, change the GOT type as necessary.