Some basic information on the ethernet-based interconnection between FX5U PLC and Cognex
The Resources
relating to the Melsec iQ-F PLC communication connection to the Cognex scanner;
The following information is applicable to your application:
refer to p.10 onwards
(refer to p.25)
Herewith a video: (For SLMP Communication)
Below– a GX Works3 (Melsec iQ-F FX5U PLC) Program with the SLMP comms configuration settings setup for Ethernet SLMP communication.
The following IP addresses are applicable: (PLC)
Cognex Port number: 12288 (take note of this)
Note: When it comes to communicative interfacing – there is no plug and play option. Also, configuration alone is not a sufficient guarantee for success.
Commissioning (Troubleshooting, Fault-finding) will always be required – and for this, a thorough understanding of the devices and communication protocols is required – combined with trial and error.
Additional Reference Information:
Some additional information (GX Works2 variants);