
This is a short summary discussion on the Melsec PLC series engineering software, and which modules are compatible with whcih versions of engineering software.

The following are 2nd generation PLCs – and they are programmed via GX Works2

  • Melsec FX – Compact Type
  • Melsec L – Hybrid Type (Combination between Modular and Compact)
  • Melsec Q – Modular Tyoe

The following are 3rd generation PLCs – and they are programmed via GX Works3

  • Melsec iQ-F – Compact
  • Melsec iQ-R – Modular

GX Works3 contains GX Works2.

there are demo trial versions available for both GX Works2 and GX Works3.

These can be downloaded from the following sites:


As to  some features – the following are good summaries: